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[Priority Issue 3]
Address Energy Issues toward a Non-Carbon Society


Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2018.

Target and Key points in FY2017 Activities

Target for 2030

Contribute to the creation and widespread use of renewable energies through highly functional materials.

To build the carbon neutral society envisioned under the Paris Agreement, the Fujifilm Group will develop and make available energy-related technologies that use highly functional materials from three aspects: energy creation, energy storage and energy conservation. We continue contributing to renewable energy creation and dissemination through accelerating the introduction and widespread use of renewable energies in society by our technologies.

Outline of Activities in FY2017

  • R&D for solar cell materials, next-generation batteries (lithium-ion batteries, fuel cells and all solid-state batteries), and other developments are in progress.

Future Activities and Targets

  • Continue and strengthen R&D activities into the future.

Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2018.

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