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Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2016.

Basic Approach

According to the latest report from the United Nation Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), it is likely that temperatures will increase by approximately 4°C by 2100 without additional mitigation and CO2 emissions continue to rise. Global warming is becoming ever more serious and remains as one of the most important issues to address across the world. The water risk is another serious issue in focus. The Fujifilm Group aims to help resolve these environmental challenges through changing our working styles and products towards low environmental impact, including highly functional materials and magnetic tape utilizing applied photographic film development and production technologies.

<Social Issues>Risks in international society

  • Global warming
  • Exhaustion of resources
  • Water problems
  • Energy issuesetc.

[Image]GHG emissions reduction target by 2050 (compared to 2010)

Climate change and sustainable energy usage are issues listed in the SDGs. The Paris Agreement concluded in COP21 also stated restricting any global temperature rise this century to below 2℃ compared to pre-industrial levels, as a long-term international target. To achieve this target, it is important to expand renewable low-carbon energy use in power generation, along with energy-saving measures through diverse technological innovation, and by encouraging behavioral change in our life.

【Related Business Fields】

[Image]Related Business Fields

【Priority Issue 1】 Global warming countermeasures

  • 【Target】Reduce CO2 emissions by 20 million tons by FY2020 (compared to 2005)

【Priority Issue 2】 Response to water problems

  • 【Target】Reduce and restrict of water pollution

【Priority Issue 3】 Response to energy issues

  • 【Target】Contribute to generating energy with low environmental impact

Outline of Activities in FY2015

[Image]Amount of CO2 Reductions for Customers FY2014 Results

Utilizing the technology accumulated through photographic film production, the Fujifilm Group develops and sells a range of products that reduce environmental impact as a leading company of highly functional films.

We set a goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 20 million tons by FY2020 compared to FY2005, and in FY2015 we contributed 12.05 million tons of CO2 emissions reduction compared to FY2005. Important contributors include BaFe-based data storage media, whose sales have grown constantly, LTO tapes, and SYNAPSE, the IT solution for medical clinics. Our backsheets for solar cells received the Nikkei Global Environmental Technology Award in October 2015 for prolonging the useful life of solar cells and thereby reducing environmental impact. Also, the thin double-sided sensor film for touch panels that won the JCIA Technology Award contributes to the reduction of environmental risks and risks related with material supply stability.

Our efforts and products in the document solution business have won multiple environmental awards for their contribution to environmental impact reduction.

Future Prospects

We plan to promote sales of sensor film for touch panels and backsheets for solar cells, which already have steady sales, along with resource-saving solutions for graphic systems and products and services in the digital printing market, where demand is expected to grow. Utilizing our advanced fundamental technologies and the core technologies that we have accumulated over the years, the Fujifilm Group continues to contribute to resolving ever-progressing environmental issues by launching innovative products that match market needs in a timely manner.

Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2016.

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