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[Priority issue 1] Raise Compliance Awareness and Ensure Risk Management: Outline of Activities in FY2014:Respect for Human Rights


Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2015.

Outline of Activities in FY2014

[photo]With participants of the 2014 Conference on CSR and Risk Management

With participants of the 2014 Conference on CSR and Risk Management

We believe that respect for basic human rights is a fundamental aspect of our compliance and we have clearly stated our commitment to it in the “Fujifilm Group’s Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct.” Group company employees are required to sign their names on a declaration found at the end of the Code of Conduct. At the same time, to deepen their understanding of human rights, we have training programs aimed at engendering respect for human rights and eliminating discrimination.

In consideration of due diligence in human rights, FUJIFILM Holdings has been participating in the Japan CSR Consortium, managed by the Caux Round Table Japan since 2012. We are studying on human rights risks within the company, in response to deliberations at international conferences and public comments. In the workshop held in FY2012, Fujifilm identified important human rights issues in the industry with other participants, in accordance with “identifying the human rights issues and expectations relevant to business” under the Human Rights Guidance Tool created by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI).

In FY2013, the important human rights issues in each business identified during the previous year were explored from the perspective of the value chain, to foster an understanding on what particular human rights issues are likely to be connected to the activities of each business division. In the third year FY2014, in response to the public comments in the previous year, we worked on the assessment of the potential connection between human rights issues and business choosing the 16 global risks that have a very close inter-relationship and highly likely to impact business, from among the 31 global risks that the World Economic Forum*1 had been identified in the Global Risk Report. Through this, greater understanding was achieved concerning the reasons for the importance of human rights issues in each business and the deep connection between social issues and environmental issues.

Furthermore, in FY2014 Fujifilm continued to participate in the Conference on CSR and Risk Management*2 for the second year to engage in discussions with various other corporate participants concerning CSR risks that business corporations must recognize in human rights due diligence. Discussions were made referring to existing management tools and based on case studies of business enterprises facing human rights risks in their supply chains.

In FY2014, Fujifilm has implemented annual selfassessment questionnaire related to business activities for all Japanese and overseas affiliates, which has included items related to human rights issue and our future activities in the Group.

  1. *1 World Economic Forum: Nonprofit foundation established in 1971 in Geneva, Switzerland. It is an international organization working on the improvement of the global situation in close cooperation with all major international organizations, as an independent and impartial body not tied to any special interests.
  2. *2 Conference on CSR and Risk Management: Organized by the Caux Round Table – Japan and the UN Working Group on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises. This conference was the fourth workshop that the Global Corporate Community of Practice (GCOP) held around the world.GCOP is an intercompany global platform formed to develop and share best practices in human rights due diligence and risk management. Seventeen companies participate, including a think tank and others involved in chemicals, automotives, heavy industries, trading, information communications, printing, apparel and textiles, and logistics.

Key Human Rights Issues in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sectors


Future Prospects

For a greater understanding of human rights due diligence, Fujifilm will continue to actively adopt outside opinions and joint studies with other companies, in addition to our own opinions and continue our activities to raise awareness of the importance of human rights issues within the Group.

The Frame we refer in the Human Rights Due Diligence Process

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