List of analysts of securities companies and research companies who make recommendations and reports of Fujifilm's performance, etc.

As of April 11, 2024

In alphabetical order of company names



BofA Securities Japan Co., Ltd.

Ritsuo Watanabe

Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc.

Masahiro Shibano

CLSA Securities Japan Co., Ltd.

Yu Yoshida

Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd.

Ayaka Inomata

Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd.

Shuhei Nakamura

Iwai Cosmo Securities, Co., Ltd.

Kazuyoshi Saito

Jefferies Japan Limited

Masahiro Nakanomyo

JP Morgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd.

Seiji Wakao

Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.

Motoya Kohtani

Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd.

Mie Yamazaki

Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.

Yu Okazaki

Okasan Securities Co., Ltd.

Takashi Shimamoto

SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.

Shinnosuke Tokumoto

Tokai Tokyo Intelligence Laboratory Co., Ltd.

Masahiko Ishino

UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd.

Tomoko Yoshihara

The above list is provided only for the purposes of informing investors of the names of analysts and related brokerage firms that provide analyses and forecasts of Fujifilm's business performance. This list is not intended to induce or recommend the purchase or sale of Fujifilm's shares.

Analysts are independent of Fujifilm. Analysts exercise their own judgment in their analysis of Fujifilm's finances, performance results, business activities and technologies, the operating environment, and economic trends, and independently forecast Fujifilm's results. Neither Fujifilm nor its management is involved in these processes in any way.

This list may not be complete and is subject to change as companies add or delete coverage of Fujifilm. Furthermore, it is possible that not all of the information provided by these analysts is current and there may be inconsistencies.

Fujifilm does not distribute copies of analysts' reports, and any reliance by investors on these reports is at their own risk.