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[Priority Issue 3] Ensure Product and Chemical Safety: Outline of Activities in FY2016


Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2017.

Environmental Aspects

Management of Chemical Substances


In compliance with the international goal to minimize adverse effect of chemical substances on human health and the environment, risk-based management of chemical substances that looks at both the hazard characteristics of the substance and exposure to the substance when in use, has become increasingly important. To ensure equivalent levels of safety for workers handling chemical substances regardless of country or region and to reduce environmental impact, we are implementing a comprehensive review of the chemical substance management system with emphasis on international compliance, and have already started to introduce new operations.

In handling of chemical substances, we are conducting risk assessments for all the substances we use, and are adapting methods of handling those substances under acceptable risk.

In addition to the current regulations on chemical substances, we are managing to voluntarily restrict the use of specific chemical substances in early step prior to regulation, based on the possibility that usage will be restricted by regulation in future and our management policy that takes social impact of chemical substances into account.

New Classification Chart for Chemical Substance Management

[Image]New Classification Chart for Chemical Substance Management

Future Prospects

We will apply our new chemical substance management scheme across the entire Fujifilm Group and ensure that it is fully implemented.

Management of Chemical Substances in Products

Fujifilm has formulated the standards for chemical substances contained in products as Fujifilm Green Procurement Standards. Founded on this standards, we manage chemical substances in raw materials, parts and components of products in cooperation with our suppliers, so as to deliver safe and secure products to the customers. In FY2016, we have prepared the new scheme “chemSHERPA” for communicating chemical substance information of products among companies, and have informed our suppliers of the use of this scheme from FY2017.

Future Prospects

We will cooperate with our suppliers to fully utilize “chemSHERPA” and to promote dissemination as one of major companies in the Joint Article Management Promotion-consortium (JAMP) which administrates to be responsible for the operation of “chemSHERPA.”

Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2017.

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