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Sustainable Value Plan 2016


As part of the Fujifilm Holdings' Medium-Term CSR Plan, which commenced in 2014, this section introduces the basic philosophy involved in formulating the Plan, the formulation process, and the four actionable areas for resolving social issues through our business activities.

Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2016.


Under the corporate slogan, “Value from Innovation,” established to coincide with our 80th anniversary, the Fujifilm Group has created a new Medium-Term CSR Plan covering FY2014 to FY2016, titled,“Sustainable Value Plan 2016” (SVP 2016), and commenced work on its implementation. Through SVP 2016, we are actively putting our Approach to CSR into practice: “to contribute to the sustainable development of society by putting our Corporate Philosophy into practice through sincere and fair business activities.”

Discussions about creating the Medium-Term CSR Plan were made over the following four steps. In the step to evaluate the importance of the issues to be covered, the social impact, scale of our potential contribution, and the impact on our business were all considered with the help of an external expert. The Policies also feature quantified targets to the maximum extent possible.

Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2016.

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