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Promotion policy 1


[chart]Promotion policy 1

In Sustainable Value Plan 2016, the Group plans to realize its CSR policy “to corporate social responsibility is to contribute to the sustainable development of society by putting our Corporate Philosophy into practice through sincere and fair business activities” by addressing 11 social issues through innovative technologies, products and services in the four priority areas of the Health, Daily Life, Environment and Working Style.


  1. Improve accessibility to medical services
  2. Contribute to identifying diseases at an early stage
  3. Response unmet medical needs
  4. Promotion of health and contribution to beauty

[image]Daily Life

  1. Contribute to creating a safe and secure society
  2. Contribute to enriching humanity and relationships


  1. Global warming countermeasures
  2. Response to water problems
  3. Response to energy issues

[image]Working Style

  1. Promote communications that transcend the information barrier
  2. Promote diversity

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