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[Priority issue 3]Ensure Product and Chemical Safety"Outline of Activities in FY2014"


Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2015.

Management of Chemical Substances

Fujifilm classifies and manages the chemical substances used in its business according to applicable laws and regulations, as well as their hazard and the company’s management policies. For chemical substances identified as possessing a certain hazard level, it is mandatory to assess the risks from the substance prior to its use and according to how it is to be used. The revised Industrial Safety and Health Act will be enforced in Japan in Spring 2016, and this will make an assessment of human health risks mandatory when using substances specified by the Order for Enforcement of the Industrial Safety and Health Act (as Dangerous or Harmful Substances Subject to Labeling, etc.), which is currently only a recommended effort. With this institutional change in sight, in FY2014, we enhanced our current methods to assess risks from chemical substance use in production, and developed them into a method to quickly provide assessment results that take into account a wider scope of chemical substance usage—not only in production, but also in research and development.

Based on the chemical substance information system installed in Fujifilm in 2009, Fuji Xerox also started using the information management system that centrally tracks the chemical substance information from all affiliated companies in order to comply with increasing chemical-related laws in a definite and efficient manner. Fuji Xerox is in the process of installing the system at its domestic and overseas sites in FY2014.

Future Prospects

We will plan to utilize this new risk assessment method in FY2015 after making adjustments to ensure its consistency with details of the revised Industrial Safety and Health Act.

Classification Criteria for Chemical Substances and Management Practice Based on the Classification

(Classification criteria: Hazard, laws and regulations in Japan and overseas, and management policy)

[image](Classification criteria: Hazard, laws and regulations in Japan and overseas, and management policy))

Management of Chemical Substances in Products

As a part of the reinforcement of our efforts to appropriately manage chemical substances in products, Fujifilm is making progress in spreading use of a system to manage chemical substances in products across its supply chain utilizing the information communication tools provided by the Joint Article Management Promotion-consortium (JAMP)*. In FY2014, we expanded this system from Japan to other Asian countries (see page 37).

To ensure compliance to related laws, in FY2012 Fuji Xerox revised the chemical substance audit method so that we could learn how chemical substances are managed by business partners and they could understand the problems, if any. In FY2013, this new auditing system was enforced at all Fuji Xerox business partners. In FY2014, the company started offering support and instructions to business partners that do not achieve the required standard to improve chemical management levels across the entire spectrum of business partners.

Future Prospects

Fujifilm will expand this system JAMP provided to the Group companies in Asia. In FY2015, we plan to implement the system across the supply chain through regular briefings for our business partners and offering various forms of support that take account of individual partners’ actual situation, aiming to continue supplying products that boast highly-managed chemical substance usage.

Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2015.

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