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[Priority issue 1] Raise Compliance Awareness and Ensure Risk Management:"Outline of Activities in FY2014 : compliance"


Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2015.

Fujifilm Group

As a set of fundamental policies, we have formulated the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct. We have also established the Fujifilm Group Code of Conduct to better guide each employee to act and behave in compliance with laws, regulations and social ethics and make it clear that we give the first priority to compliance in our business activities. We have established a division that is exclusively responsible for promoting compliance and instilling a compliance based mindset throughout the Group within each of our principal operating companies: FUJIFILM Corporation and Fuji Xerox Co.,Ltd.
We also maintain offices to provide consultations and support communications regarding infringement issues both within and outside the operating companies. This effort is meant to facilitate the early detection of illegal or improper behavior and ensure prompt and appropriate response measures. All the communications and information are kept confidential and reported to the CSR Committee chaired by the president of FUJIFILM Holdings.

*The Fujifilm Group has never been investigated by administrative authorities concerning any anti-corruption matters.

Measures Implemented for Compliance and Risk Management


Fujifilm regards the promotion of compliance and risk management as a single activity and centrally manages and conducts related efforts through the Compliance and Risk Management Division (CP&RM), which is dedicated solely to the activity.

The company provides managers of its Group companies with compliance education concerning information security, harassment, export matters, and other items every year, and what the managers have learned is then communicated at their workplaces to raise awareness among all Group employees. Also, for its bases outside Japan, Fujifilm fosters compliance in consideration of the actual local situation.

In response to the recent enhancement of anti-corruption laws across the globe, Fujifilm introduced anti-corruption rules to its Group companies in April 2014 and has since been regularly carrying out in-house audits to ensure compliance with these rules.*

Future Prospects

Fujifilm will conduct onsite compliance audits also at its bases outside Japan and increase transparency regarding compliance. In FY2015 the company plans to conduct an opinion survey targeting all employees, with a view to checking the level of their compliance awareness and identifying the compliance-related problems faced by employees.

Compliance and Risk Management Promotional Organization (Fujifilm and its affiliates)

[image]Compliance and Risk Management Promotional Organization (Fujifilm and its affiliates)

Fuji Xerox

At Fuji Xerox, we have laid down our Action Guidelines relating to ethics and compliance, and we are working to enhance the system and its mechanisms in order to embed it in the actions of each and every executive officer and employee. With worldwide action to strengthen and implement laws on the prevention of corruption, the company and all domestic subsidiaries established related regulations in FY2013. In FY2014, implementation was completed for the entire Group, including overseas companies.

In compliance training, we annually conducted the webbased training aimed at the prevention of misconduct and harassment, as well as the “Legal Risk Assessment Test,” which is an educational tool concerning general legal affairs for employees, jointly developed by FUJIFILM Holdings, Fujifilm and Fuji Xerox. Rank-based compliance training is also being upgraded. In addition to group training for newly appointed managers, we have developed a web-based training program (educational video) in FY2014 for all managers.

Future Prospects

For the further implementation of effective training, programs covering the laws essential for new businesses and global business activities are being upgraded to improve legal awareness and ensure a full understanding of basic legal knowledge among all employees, including those in overseas subsidiaries.

Corporate Ethics and Compliance Promotion System (Fuji Xerox and its affiliates)

[image]Corporate Ethics and Compliance Promotion System (Fuji Xerox and its affiliates)

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