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[Priority issue 1] Raise Compliance Awareness and Ensure Risk Management: Outline of Activities in FY2015:Respect for Human Rights


Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2016.

Respect for Human Rights

[photo]Held a dialogue with international CSR experts from the U.S., Germany, Denmark, etc.

Held a dialogue with international CSR experts from the U.S., Germany, Denmark, etc.

We believe that respect for basic human rights is a fundamental aspect of our compliance and we have clearly stated our commitment to it in the “Fujifilm Group’s Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct.” Group company employees are required to sign their names on a declaration found at the end of the Code of Conduct. At the same time, to deepen their understanding of human rights, we have training programs aimed at engendering respect for human rights and eliminating discrimination.

From the perspective of internal checks, Fujifilm has included items on human rights issues in our annual self assessment questionnaire for the business activities of all our Japanese and overseas affiliates since FY2013. In recent years, especially in Europe and North America, there has been an increase in the demand for measures to ensure that human rights are respected, not only by companies themselves, but by their supply chains too. The Modern Slavery Act enacted in the UK in 2015 and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act enacted in 2012 are the part of the demand. Considering this movement, we are introducing measures across our entire supply chain as part of our CSR procurement activities.

To promote the measures of due diligence for human rights, FUJIFILM Holdings has been participating in the Nippon CSR Consortium managed by the Caux Round Table Japan since 2012. We are studying human rights risks within the company in response to deliberations at international conferences and public comments. FY2015 was the fourth year of our participation. In FY2015, at the international conference, we held discussions and exchanged opinions with experts on our Group’s CSR policy and our CSR activities promoting at our suppliers as one of the measures for human rights due diligence.

Stakeholder Communication :Dialogue on activities in human rights due diligence

Identify human rights issues for the Fujifilm Group : Presentation documents for the dialogue (Extract)(PDF: 553KB)

In addition, referring to the Human Rights Guidance Tool created by UNEP FI* (formulated in 2011, revised in 2014), we reviewed the “Human Rights Issues by Sector (Second Edition)” formulated in FY2013 by the Consortium from the perspective of the chemical and construction materials industry to see whether there were any additions, deletions or revised items. As a feature of FY2015, NGOs/NPOs and experts raised the human rights issues of sexual minorities, a subject that has raised significant concerns among the public in Japan, and foreign workers, and we identified human rights issues including the raised issues with other 11 industry sectors.

  1. ※ UNEP FI: United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative. It is a global partnership between UNEP and the financial sector, established in 1992. Over 200 institutions, including banks, insurance companies, and investment funds, work with UNEP to promote the environmental and sustainable practice in financial operations through researches and information exchanges.

Human Rights Issues Considered Important for the Chemical and Construction Materials Industries

Future Prospects

Considering international movement around the subject of human rights in recent years, we aim to formulate a Human Rights Policy to clarify our Group’s stance besides our Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and the Code of Conduct. We will continue to strengthen measures both within and outside the Group.

To deepen our understanding of human rights due diligence and further enhance our Group’s activities, in addition to our own views, we will continue to actively adopt outside opinions and joint studies with other companies and continue with our activities to raise awareness of the importance of human rights issues within the Group.

The Frame we refer in the Human Rights Due Diligence Process

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