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[Priority issue 3] Enhance Value Chain Management from the Viewpoint of CSR "Outline of Activities in FY2015: Biodiversity Conservation"


Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2016.


Biodiversity Conservation

Since its foundation, the Fujifilm Group has engaged in a wide range of environmental protection activities for the conservation and protection of biodiversity, based upon philosophy of “environmental consciousness and environmental protection are at the core of our corporate activities,” as we have needed lots of water and clean air to produce photographic films.

In June 2009, we clarified our guideline for cross-group efforts to biodiversity conservation and introduced the “Fujifilm Group Basic Concepts and Action Guidelines for Biodiversity Conservation” (hereafter, “Guidelines for Biodiversity”). In 2012, we reviewed our biodiversity approach under the four key elements of factories, products, social contribution, and communication, in order to implement biodiversity conservation activities linked with our businesses. Fujifilm and Fuji Xerox work on a number of biodiversity conservation activities related to their businesses respectively.

Fujifilm continues its evaluation based on the Rule for Design for Environment (DfE) from the viewpoint of biodiversity conservation, and promotes development of environmentally conscious products. In FY2015, we participated in the Taskforce Committee for the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing for Genetic Resources (ABS) led by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan, as we had in FY2014, to obtain the latest information on the progress with Japan’s measures on working and trends in overseas legislation. At Fuji Xerox, where paper is an essential commodity, we refer to guidelines for biodiversity when procuring paper. We also held the Committee for Socially Responsible Paper Procurement annually again this year to reconfirm the system for providing paper that customers can use with peace of mind. In recognition of these efforts as a good example of procuring sustainable paper for biodiversity conservation, we were awarded the Judge’s Prize in Biodiversity Action Awards Japan 2015.*

* Biodiversity Action Award Japan 2015: Hosted by Japan committee for the UN Decade on Biodiversity. Awarded for efforts contributing to the Five Actions of the MY Action Proclamation, it aims for active publicity on biodiversity and to make it the mainstream. Started in 2013.

History of Biodiversity Conservation Measures

[Image]History of Biodiversity Conservation Measures

Main activities for biodiversity conservation

Activities to conserve the water source at each factory
Training courses for Nature Conservation Educators by the Nature Conservation Society
Since FY2001, more than 400 employees in total have been attended at the training courses including co-sponsored ones by Fuji Xerox.
Support to the Monitoring Site 1000
We have been providing sensor cameras used in surveying mammals.
Regional collaboration activities to preserve groundwater in Minami-Aso village. FUJIFILM Kyusyu has been participating in these activities since FY2010.
Cooperatation with NPOs etc.
Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation
Network for Coexistence with Nature, etc. : “Kikigaki-Koshien”
Charitable Trust Fujifilm Green Fund, etc. : “Watashi-no-Shizenkansatsuro Competition”
Green Cross Japan : Kankyo-Nikki, “Midori-no-komichi”
Support to the Biodiversity Action Award Japan
We have been providing digital camera for the prize winners as “Fujifilm Award” through the Japan Committee for UNDB (United Nations Decade on Biodiversity) that host the Award.

Future Prospects

We will continue our design for environment and various regional activities. In addition, we will construct a reliable measures for domestic procedures for the Nagoya Protocol in Japan and strengthen the management of paper procurement to our suppliers.

Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2016.

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